What no one tells you about KINKY HAIR

Have you heard about balancing hair? Yes, that is what I want to tell you, balancing your hair is the secret to having great hair and that is the truth for all types of hair and more especially our kinky crowns. What do I mean by balancing my hair? You would ask; I mean the sweet spot of your haircare, the point where your hair strive like never before and the point where taking care of your hair is joyful for you.

So how can you achieve that sweet spot is the question. Let us look more on the points that will make your hair thrive first, we can all agree that moisturized and bouncy hair is beautiful right, so now let us look at kinky hair and its nature, this hair is not only extremely dry but there is no shape to it, our coils are not well defined, not bouncy, just right out difficult to feel confident with it. Now let us see what we can do to improve these facts, first to solve the extremely dry part we will need to moisturize it, so we talk about the use of moisturizing products. Second to solve the unbouncy and undefined part of the hair, we talk about protein treatments.

 The problem here, we all know about these two treatments but why are we not seeing beautiful and bouncy kinky hair everywhere outside, the fact is these two treatments need to be well balanced because when you moisturize your hair too much it will be mushy and when you do too much protein treatments, your hair will be easy to break. So, when you get the hang of the middle of those two treatments that work for your hair, that is your sweet spot, and this is where all your effort should go too. I will strongly recommend to first alternate these two treatments between each wash, then adjust it depending on the situation of your hair.

Every hair is different, and every situation is different, so I cannot tell you to balance it this way and it will work. What I can do to help you here because I cannot see your hair is to give you a direction where to go about your natural hair journey. Think more on how to balance your hair, try products and experiment with different regimens until you find your sweet spot, ONLY THEN will have a joyful and fulfilled life with your kinky haircare.

Because for everything you need to have a starting point, I have put together regimens that worked for many other kinky sisters on our Facebook and Instagram page in order to give you a starting point. You can start from there and search for YOUR SWEET SPOT.